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detailed map of Spain - region of webcam Vielha

detailed map of Spain - Spain map

north-west north north-east
west east
south-west south south-east

Displayed region is situated between 0° 45' west longitude and 41° 0' north latitude and 10° 45' east longitude and 47° 51' north latitude.

Use the direction arrows to move on the map, for the less detailed map please choose one on the navigation bar above the map. The underlisted webcams are marked in orange.

distance according to the column distance sort descending name according to the column name sort descending region according to the column region sort descending country according to the column country sort ascending type according to the column type sort ascending
0 km [!] Vielha Catalunya Spain mountains
11.1 km [!] Baqueira Lérida Pro... Spain ski slope
25.4 km [!] Saint Lary Ariége France mountains
28.7 km [!] Espot Lérida Pro... Spain mountains
58.8 km [!] Cauterets Hautes-Pyr... France mountains
62.7 km Andorra la... Andorra Andorra capital city
64.0 km [!] Avgda. Mer... Andorra la... Andorra street
64.4 km Casamanya La Massana Andorra mountains
68.0 km Encamp - C... Encamp Andorra street
81.2 km [!] Lourdes - ... Midi-Pyrénées France church
101 km [!] Les Bouill... Pyrénées France lake
106 km [!] Font Romeu Pyrénées-O... France mountains
121 km [!] Lleida Segria, Lé... Spain castle, fort
140 km [!] Santuari d... Berguede Spain city
webcams displayed on the map

legend to the table:

the distance in kilometres from the selected point on the map (default from the centre)



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